Sunday, September 04, 2011

The Draft

We had our keeper league draft yesterday and it was really a lot of fun, at least for what I stayed for. I'm sure it was a lot of fun after as well but I had to go to work.

Ten and I had a nice chat about the economic times and he was completely correct, incomes can't buy what they could even a year ago let alone two years ago. We could be doing pretty well on one income three years ago in my family but now as you dear readers know I'm now working two jobs to not only make ends meet but to gain a long term advantage in our finances.

Ten literally told me that I was doing what I had to do, that should be the rally call of the country right now. Do what you have to do to get by until things change, until D.C. has changed hands, and until this country gets back to it's rightful path.

Who knows what uncertainties there are in the future but thankfully I know that we will be prepared for many of them. Our bills will diminish exponentially thanks to a very unexpected source. Literally a miracle happened yesterday, we received child support two times in a week! Early last week I was uncertain how we were going to make it through this coming week until payday on Friday and now we are in very good shape! We can't plan on it as it is very sketchy on when it comes in but it will take a lot of pressure off of me if it does.

It was totally unexpected as it had not happened in months, so if you don't believe in miracles then come talk to me about it. Now we can stock up on groceries, fill up our cars with gas, and get our budget underway!

We had it figured to where it'd take so long with just the income we had and it'll go that much faster if we get a steady stream of child support on top of that. Probably at least twice as fast but I haven't taken the calculator to it yet.

The clouds are parting, blue skies are above, and the sun is coming up!

Eye on the prize!

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