Tuesday, July 14, 2009

First Tech Rehearsal

This is just my own critique of my job last night at the tech rehearsal: Train wreck. I was late on at least a dozen cues and blew a half dozen others out of over one hundred and twenty cues. I believe there are a couple of cues that are mixed up, I'll fix them tonight and get them into the right order.

I got lost at least twice in the script, a couple of times because one actor wasn't there and it threw me for a couple of pages. I'll have it down though by the time opening curtain rises....or splits I guess.

Tonight will be a little bit smoother, Wednesday night smoother still. Thursday night's show will be what it is supposed to be as well as on through the weekend's shows.

The Date's project [five eighty} prints today. In fact by eight A.M. it should be nearly done or finished even! There are a lot of hopes riding on this first issue! She even got a business call yesterday and the magazine was brought up in a business meeting and as I said it isn't even printed yet! That is pretty good word of mouth so far!

There are two local radio stations who have traded advertising for advertising so there are now radio ads going on to promote the magazine! How cool is that? What I've found really cool is the amount of support The Date has had so far in this endeavor. She has been a nervous wreck the past few days but has kept it together and last night got the final two pages sent to the printer.

Personally, and yes I'm biased, I think that once these issues hit she will have to expand the size of her magazine before September, not only the page count but the run as well. She is starting small and leaving room for potential which it has a lot of.

Over the next two to three days she will start to circulate the issues. There have been a some businesses who have put in requests of at least one hundred issues to distribute. The really amazing thing is that she ran out of time before getting to many of the area towns! Those are probably ninety nine percent untapped at this moment! Now THAT is potential!

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