Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Watchmen

This is a modern day masterpiece of film. Based on the graphic novel of the same name it was once thought to be un-filmable, if you read it you'd know why. This is also not Batman or Iron Man, it is a very cynical look at how these characters lived.

Yeah there are a couple of action pieces but really it isn't as dramatic or as intriguing as the lives they lead while they weren't using their masks.

If you have read the graphic novel then you'll have seen this movie, it is a shot for shot recreation and sometimes panel for panel. There were some minor changes and one major change but only the geek in me would notice that. I really wanted to see the apocalyptic ending that the novel had but I understand the reasons it was changed to the way it is now. It is still just as effective but not as hokey as was in the comic.

This is also a very violent movie about violent people and it is set in a very violent alternate time line in American history. These people are hard, they do what they do because it gets done that way. They really don't feel anymore which is a big part of the movie. Some characters lose interest in the human race, some ache to feel what they felt years ago in their prime, some are afraid to feel and go through life as a shadow of what they used to be.

This movie warrants multiple viewings, easily. There will be an ultimate edition coming out in the Winter that will have Tales of the Black Freighter edited into the running time of the movie. It is a sub story in the comic. It was animated but due to the running time not shown in the theaters. Fortunately DVD will correct that mistake:)

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