Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Nothing Interesting

Nothing really other than a couple of very interesting things. Skate and I have decided to put my soap theory to the test soon. We will do about five different soaps and see if soap is really soap. The Date is concerned it might ruin the washing machine. I contend there isn't a lot to ruin as long as the water drains it is good. The soap certainly won't hurt the big metal basket that holds the clothes.

The Date's project made a big leap yesterday when the articles started coming in. She found another really good writer who will write on every issue! They came from Tulsa where they did a regular weekly feature! This is a big addition and will make a splash!

The feedback just on her idea has been 110% positive thus far. Everyone has embraced the idea and the concept behind the idea. Five Eighty will be in print very soon! Something really cool will start happening this weekend as well;) Stay tuned for that!

She got her first cover picture yesterday and has started to edit it into the very first issue! She has been very nervous about the project. It is understandable to deal with anxiety on a project this big. She is risking a lot but I think when we are in a position to look back on this she will realize that the benefits have far outweighed the risk involved. This is just something I believe people will look forward to, something they will enjoy reading, something that will bring a lot of people with common interests together!

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