Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Set Phasers To Fail

How do you alienate a large(r) audience than you already have? Well in the past they have questionable programming changes. You lose focus on what made you a success to start with and lose your niche. You start airing wrestling for instance.

Then if that wasn't a big enough kick in the crotch you change the spelling of the name of your channel for no apparent reason other than to make sure the fanboys never watch again.

Scifi is now Syfy, I'm not joking. I wanted to gouge out my eyes with a spork when I read this. I had come to grips with Scifi losing its way and becoming the bad movie with a big CGI monster channel. They did away with Stargate: Atlantis despite good ratings. Destination Truth was ok but every single show ended the same way! They didn't find ANYTHING!!!! Cha$e, Estate of Panic, and Scare Tactics were their experiment into reality Not really that exciting to me. Yes Warehouse 13 looks mildly interesting. I never got into Eureka. Loved the Stargate franchise. Battlestar...well depends on who you ask about that show. I didn't get into it, a lot of people did. That was some serious and gritty scifi though and a perfect example of what the channel was capable of when they were focused!

They insist on getting bad newer movies instead of classic scifi movies that made the genre a genre to start with! They run dreck over and over again while they should be focusing on what made scifi popular to begin with and start from there!

While I love me some Ghost Hunters and GHI is interesting enough for me to watch I believe they can add more original programming that is scifi based. There is so much potential for this network and it is now in flailing mode...a few steps from fail mode.

I believe this rebranding is just going to usher in more non scifi product I have no desire to consume ala ECW wrestling. Before long it will be TBS light. You want a channel that your audience will take seriously? Take a Star Wars geek, give him some programming choices, a modest budget, and some freedom and you'll have some ratings!

I'm so mad I can't see straight but thankfully there are plenty of choices online for me to get my scifi fix! Bones! I needs some Alpha Centari Scotch, bring Scotty along, that Vulcan can't handle his drink!

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