Monday, July 06, 2009

Soap Is Soap!

Ok so if you have been in this scenario then you are NOT alone! You find that you are out of laundry have forgotten to go to the store to get some, you find yourself having to go to work in the morning and might be a little (or a lot bit tipsy) and have decided to play it safe and stay in.

What do you do?
1. Wash your clothes in water only?
2. Wash your clothes in shampoo and/or dish soap?
3. Throw some scotch in the laundry with your clothes and hope you don't get pulled over in the morning.

That's right ladies and gentlemen! YOU THROW IN SOME SOAP, any soap will do! Soap is soap! It cleans what you want it to clean! If you have dirty hair can you use dish soap? Absolutely!!!!

If you have dirty skin can you use laundry soap?!?! YES! Why not? It cleans, gets the spots out, and leaves you feeling summery/lemony fresh on top of all that!

Don't believe me, try it! So in summary, soap is soap, it cleans, cleanses, freshens, and will do just as well on your hair, skin, or clothes.
Your clothes go on your SKIN!!!! Anyone want to care to dispute that?!

Didn't think so! So what works for one should work for all. And that concludes my presentation for the day. Do you want to know what I'm going to try next?! Next time I've got something fairly white that needs to be washed, I'm going to throw some Colgate on there and see how white it gets my clothes!

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