Monday, July 27, 2009


So there we were tearing down a set after nine weeks of work. Debate broke out on how to use a new vocabulary word when I whipped out Vorvonic! Go ahead and google that one! I dare ya!

Ok I admit I made it up. Its origin is from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, which ironically The Date asked me if I remembered the show yesterday and I found it on Hulu. She watched a couple of episodes and really enjoyed the show!

Anyway Vorvonic: The feeling you got when you were a kid and saw something really scary and now is just hokey as an adult! Yeah you can say "scared" but what fun is that when you have Vorvonic in your vocabulary?!?!

Let me 'splain. There was an episode of Buck Rogers that featured a Vorvon. The space age equivalent of Dracula. I believe the episode might have actually been called The Space Vampire but I could be wrong about that. So this Vorvon is really scary looking, well when you are a kid it was terrifying, now it would probably come off as campy or worse. Instead of using his misshapen teeth he would use his fingers and touch them to the victim's throat which as a kid was oddly sexual to me....or maybe that was just Erin Gray.

The Vorvon was simply AWESOME to me as a kid and now that I haven't thought of that episode in years and years I am thinking that Hulu might have it! Not really sure I want to watch it though and get that vorvonic feeling and be disappointed. Yeah I did it, I used it in a sentence, don't dare me to do it again!

This might come down to a coin flip on watching it or not. I really want to revisit my childhood memories but alas it would likely fail the test of time.

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