Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy Independence Day

Two hundred thirty three years ago our forefathers had decided to challenge the rule of the British Empire. The superpower of the age, they ruled the seas with their armada, and the land with their army.

Our ragtag army decided we had had enough and wanted the right of self rule instead of being a colony of the Empire. They wanted many rights. They wanted to do something as radical as limiting what the government can do to its people.

Their concept was simple, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Seven amazing words that summed up what is inside everyone's soul. People gravitate towards liberty and freedom naturally. Governments limit freedom, curtails liberty, and want to guarantee equal outcomes despite people being individuals and different.

Millions of people are smarter than I am and have more ambition than I do. I should not be guaranteed the same outcome as someone who works twenty hour days, seven days a week. I should also be able to do better than someone who wants to stay at home and watch TV all day when they refuse to get a full time job. Failure is ok as long as we have the opportunity to go back to the beginning and start again without government interference.

People are different, each and every one of us. We should all have the same starting line but different finish lines.

On this Independence Day lets remember the principles of our Founding Fathers and what they fought for. Concepts such as I described above, not for another entitlement from the government that tries to equalize individual people.

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