Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Again not a real name of the week if you are illiterate or if you have a learning disability, but then again if you do how are you reading my blog so no worries, usually only very smart people read this so I don't have to dumb it down at all.

I have been thinking about the massive tax called the Cap and Trade but I get pretty frustrated by even thinking about the largest tax on the American public in history so then I thought I'd blog about cleaning out my dad's truck last night so I can surrender it to the dealership. There wasn't anything exciting about that other than I broke down a couple of times as I was doing it.

The Honduran President coup, that was pretty interesting but only our President's response to it. This guy decided he wanted to unconstitutionally change their law and stay in office past his four years (like the dictator Hugo Chavez) so the military kicked him out of the country. Our President was on that President's well as Hugo Chavez and Raul/Fidel Castro...

Moderately interesting but again something that ticks me off so I won't write a whole blog about it.

So The Date ordered her software last night for laying out her magazine, it will likely be here tomorrow as I don't believe it had time to ship overnight from where it is to us at the time she ordered it. She also got a big advertising deal that I can't talk about until this weekend I think.

She has been riddled by anxiety of it not coming out on time, the unexpected things that crop up, not hitting deadlines, things like that but she has plowed through all of that and it will happen now!! The software or lack thereof was a major anxiety source but not anymore! Now when it gets here the layout will begin The actual nuts and bolts work of building her dream in the physical will start!

This is going to be a great magazine, a fun project, and a dream fulfilled all at the same time! I hope that those of you who are reading this have a passion for something similar and will follow it, make it real, and if you need an extra hand hit me up about it. I'll help you:)

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