Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Nothing Much

Last night was the first night without a show in a handful of weeks. It was nice and sad. I had things to do anyway.

I came home after work and started to dismantle the dryer. It stopped yesterday morning and I figured there was lint trapped in the rollers. Alas no, that would be a simple fix. If I could find the thermal fuse it might be that but I can't and don't know where it is. Yeah I've researched online and still can't find it.

I've got a fix it all friend and he might give me a clue or two as to where to look tonight. No big deal, just inconvenient. I started to watch Torchwood and lost interest about as fast. I might have to give it another shot and stick it out since scifi is slowly disappearing from the American televisual landscape.

Have to take the dog out this morning. He is sitting in his crate and has been all night. He is quiet though. Sweet natured dog. I don't know how old he is but now I'm thinking he might be over one year old but under two.

The Date will have him checked out at the vet on her next paycheck. I get my next paycheck this Friday! Woohoooo!!!! First full full check in weeks! Even better than that is this one will have extra money since I paid most of my bills last check in a less than full payday. I have utilities coming out, satellite bill, and that's almost it! Woohoooo!

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