Thursday, February 04, 2010

Another Snowy Day

Well at least a bit this morning. It's warm out though and it isn't much. It's built up on my vehicle windows and slushy.

Rehearsal was rehearsal last night. T was in the booth with us. The teens tended to have a habit of trying to find her in the audience to see if they got their lines right.

Tonight is final dress. That means they are working without a net in front of live people who haven't seen the show. Tomorrow is opening night and it'll be sink or swim for them. Most of them will swim and do fine. A couple will tread water. One will sink like he had the mafia dump him in the river even though he has arm floaties on.

T has done an incredible job with them all but one of them has demanded so much attention that he has deprived the rest of the actors of attention that would have made this a spectacular show. Again this show is difficult and the person responsible for choosing it should be held responsible. It isn't a show for teens to do and it is a difficult show for adults to do as there are so many timing gags involved.

Witchy's set is tight though. It is incredible! Tech is top notch and will be solid.

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