Wednesday, February 10, 2010


After seeing the trailer, waiting until it hit theaters and refusing to see it in our theater because the experience there sucks, waiting for the eventual DVD release, buying it on the day of release and then waiting until The Date's schedule and mine allowed for it to happen.....I FINALLY got to see Zombieland!!!!!

Good movie, fun movie, was similar to Shaun of the Dead in terms that it was a parody of zombie movies. It never took itself seriously and the one part where it could have been serious well it veered back into goofy music/flashback territory.

I don't see a franchise here but who knows what the suits would do, they greenlight a ton of junk and throw it at us for consumption. Sometimes we consume it like, sometimes we don't like Pluto Nash.

Is Zombieland a masterpiece like Night of the Living Dead or the superior Dawn of the Dead? By no means. Is it better than lots of the dreck they flood movie theaters with? A little bit but that's because of the subject matter, it's fun and interesting.

I was hoping for a two DVD release though that had a digital copy. I'm really digging that feature when they add them to DVD sets. Transfer it to your PC, load it up on your iPhone and away you go! You have entertainment at work during the boring parts.

Yay technology!!!!

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