Saturday, February 06, 2010

Valentines For The Things

Yesterday was slow at work so I after finishing what I needed to get done I took off around two o'clock. I had come to the conclusion that Things 1 and 2 needed phones so it would be easier to contact them when needed. Thing 1 always has The Date's iPhone when they are both home so I decided to change that.

First I headed over to the regular AT&T store, told them what I wanted but no dice. They didn't have any of the second generation eight gig iPhones in stock. Then I headed downtown to find the other AT&T store. No luck there either but they suggested Wal-Mart.

So my odyssey took me out to Wal-Mart in search of the elusive iPhone. I inquired as to what I wanted, they said they have twelve in stock. I said I need two and they proceeded to hand my purchase over to one of the women there who had never sold or activated my phone purchase. Let's just say technology was beyond her.

So roughly a little over an hour later (with a call to tech support) I left the store with a bag full of two iPhones that were going to make two girls very happy.
I stopped off and purchased supper as now I was up against the clock to make my film meeting at six. So I stopped off to see The Date at work, gave her supper and showed her Valentines for The Things.

I said I was planning on giving them on Valentines day, she said it would be better to do it now. Alright, so that's what I'll do! I bring home supper, place the Wal-Mart bag on the counter opposite of the food. Call The Things and they come into the kitchen to grab supper.

Then I get my phone and call one of the other phones, they look for the noise thinking it was The Guest's phone that he had left here for some reason. Thing 1 tracks the noise down to the bag eventually. Opens the bag and explodes across the room to put me in a strangle hold. Thing 2 goes and looks in the bag and does the same to me, well more around my shoulders actually. Supper was ate and I made my meeting on time but just barely.

Then it was off to Opening Night of the teen show. It went much smoother last night. The lead actor still didn't know his lines and even when being fed his lines still made them up. I've got no patience for him anymore. I don't want to be around him. He didn't care enough to put any time into this while the rest of the cast did and as far as I'm concerned he let everyone of them down.

T, the director, has done an outstanding job in a no win situation with a difficult play and a cast that are all brand new to main stage acting. The rest of the cast did a fabulous job and hit most of their marks despite not knowing if the right cue line was coming or not and most of the time it did not come.

Two shows left.

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