Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Curling Paradox

I was watching the Olympics last night and curling was on. I realized I didn't want to change the channel but at the same time it takes more athletic effort for me to choose a cigar and pour myself a cocktail than is exhibited in curling.

There is no way this should be considered a sport let alone an Olympic sport. It is such a bizarre game with brooms and one person who pushes this giant, sliding rock on ice.

Perhaps there just aren't enough winter sports to fill up an Olympic team so they had to add something as nonathletic as curling. If curling is a sport they might as well make winter golf a sport or choose your summer game sport and just add winter to the title. A winter decathlon on ice, now that might be compelling. I'd love to see a high jump on ice. Winter swimming, lets see how Phelps would do then!

Curling has some strange appeal though as I actually looked at the schedule and found when the USA was playing next on TV and DVR'd it. Maybe it is appealing that basically anyone from any walk of life can do this event. If you are like four hundred pounds, you can curl. If you are an air head super can curl. Can't get a steady job anywhere? Yep, you can curl. With some practice you might even be good at it.

So yes like my friend Mr. Feeny, I find myself watching curling and even though I don't understand it I find it compelling.

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