Monday, February 01, 2010

Freezing Fog

It really looks very cool outside with only the street lights to illuminate a foggy and chilly morning. It looks amazing actually. It's not as foggy as it was in previous days in the evening but still there is a quiet to it that just makes you want to stay outside in it.

Tonight is the first night of tech week for the teen show. I'll be in the booth with the teens until Thursday, from Friday on it's their show and they'll work without a net. It is really easy though, eight cues total. The Director is using curtain in the show so I put in the blue wash lights as it is extremely dark backstage when the curtain is closed.

The only other lights we'll need to adjust is for the skyline backdrop. It isn't illuminated yet but after tonight it will be.

Have most of our taxes done! Waiting on one more W2 and they'll be finished and filed!

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