Sunday, April 04, 2010

Almost Completed

The commercial that has given me some restless night, inspired my normally calm stomach to start aerobics, and tap danced on my last good nerve is 95% finished.

I need to call Skate later to do the voice over track and the client is looking for ukulele music for the final seconds. I felt like the world had been lifted off of my shoulders as I put the final clip into place. I felt so good that Beersnob and I went outside and enjoyed a victory cigar. If I hadn't completed it then it would have been a nerve calming cigar but nonetheless it was a victory cigar.

I plan on having another victory cigar when she accepts the commercial sometime this week.

Happy Easter! The most important holiday of the year for any believing Christian and the close of Holy Week. Death itself was conquered and as believers we were given real hope. That life is meaningful and just the beginning. That there is a structure to the universe and not chaos. We are not left in the hands of random chance but in those of a kind and loving God.

He is Risen!:)

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