Wednesday, April 07, 2010

One Busy Day

Yes I'll get this out of the way first, it was my bday. Yes I'm another year older. The Date tried as hard as she could to make the day special and it was! She made a great cake for me, all chocolate, all the way through!

I went to work but I was going to take off at noon so that I could drop off the new DVD proof of the commercial I've been working on. You can see it here. Skate does a great job of narrating this spot!

The second part of the plan was to play WoW in celebration of my first commercial that was going to air very soon on TV.

Alas it was not to be. The Date texted that the carbon monoxide detector had been going off in the morning. I was sure that it was the high gusting winds catching the hot water tank's flu system from the right direction and forcing it back down. We are talking about forty mile per hour gusts too.

I got home but she had gone to class already so I check the hot water tank out and found that it needed replaced badly. So my new project for the day was to replace it. I called my brother and he got me a good deal at a warehouse supply store on a new tank. He is a licensed plumber so he gets discounted prices on his supplies. The general public can't walk in and buy things but he can, it's that kind of place.

So I'm off to get his truck to pick up the new tank. I switch vehicles, pick up the tank and head home. My brother's best friend and someone who has helped me out more times than I can count, Fat Plummer (his X-Box 360 ID) comes over after he gets off of work and for the next four hours we change the tank out.

We size up the old tank, and get it drained which took the longest. Then we head to get the supplies to replace the tank with. The actual tank changing didn't take long, maybe an hour at most. By the time we were done it was nine thirty and I just wanted to do nothing but rest.

So that was my day:) Thank you again to my love, The Date for her valiant efforts to make the day special for me:) It was, we are safe from deadly carbon monoxide now and the tank will last us for another six to ten years:)

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