Thursday, April 01, 2010

A Quarter Done

Amazingly 2010 is now officially one quarter finished. How has that happened?
I'm still getting used to writing the date starting with a "1" instead of a "0", I know I've got an entire decade to get it right before I change the "1" to a "2" though.

I guess the decade is now officially one fortieth finished, that sounds a little bit better.

Yesterday really felt more like Summer than Spring. It was quite possibly ninety, I know the last time I looked at a thermometer it was eighty eight. Two weeks ago it was snowing and now it's Summer. One thing is for sure, we will soon be having some massive thunder storms soon. Tornado season is upon us!

I shot the final footage I needed last night for the first real commercial I've ever done last night. I'm very nervous about this but promised the client that it would not be a clone of last year's commercial which she has grown to love. I explained I had watched the old commercial literally and without exaggeration a hundred times by now and there is way too much information being thrown at the viewer to comprehend in thirty seconds.

This one will be slower paced, a little information at a time, and if the viewer turns the volume down the point will still get across. That's the kind of commercials I want to make. I hate watching them and that's one of the main reasons I like watching a season of a show at a time either on DVD or DVR when you can skip the commercials.

Ironic huh? I'm now trying to make the same thing I don't like to watch. It's alright though I think I've got a handle on them for the most part and will get my skills in the software up to par in a very short amount of time!

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