Monday, April 12, 2010

Good Weekend!

Yesterday I got a lot of Lynda watched, I've still got three chapters left in After Effects Essentials. After that I move onto their advanced course which is about four hours long after the six hour long Essentials course.

I'm getting there and I feel more confident now than I was before about this program. Yesterday I made lasagna and for supper I grilled hamburgers and corn on the cob. The Date and I enjoyed them:) Thing 2 thought I said corn dogs and didn't want to pick corn out of her braces.

The Date did a spectacular job of cleaning up the patio ala spring cleaning and our neighbor brought over his bobcat and a ton of dirt and leveled out the low parts of our back yard.

Well my restful weekend is over with and now it's time to earn the rent for another week. Day one is up to bat and day two is on deck.

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