Thursday, June 03, 2010

Is Two A Pattern?

First Joe Sestak and then Andrew Romanoff in Colorado. It appears that the "Chicago Way" of thuggery has unleashed its tentacles of corruption upon the nation.

I seem to recall a solemn vow during the election that this would be the most transparent government ever. Now two allegations of election tampering have arisen. I'll give you X if you drop out of the race.

The Sestak allegations in Pennsylvania last month and now right on its heels a similar situation? All of a sudden we are back to Tiger Woods and all of the women coming out of the woodwork who have had affairs with him.

Who else has the administration made offers to? Could Obama be in some political hot water over this? If there is a direct link back to him, absolutely. Should there be a Ken Starr special prosecutor looking into this pattern of deceit? Absolutely.

I'm sure Mr. Transparency has nothing to hide, right?

Alright now for a more realistic point of view, more than likely November will tell the story on this administration. The Dems are looking to hold ground. The GOP is looking to gain enough seats to render Obama impotent and start undoing the damage this community organizer has done.

I'd say save the money and focus more on elections. The Dems are in a tailspin right now and it's going to implode their party, no matter that they believe the HCB is the greatest thing since, well Obama, America doesn't want it and the polls bear that out. They will hold their own referendum in November and the liberals will come up very very short as America yanks their collars to heel.

Everything Obama has touched has gone bad, every candidate he has campaigned for has lost. I keep saying he is Jimmy Carter the sequel but I think Obama has taken failure to new heights. Jimmy Carter couldn't hope to cause this much damage if he were elected to three terms!

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