Saturday, August 07, 2010

After A Long, Hot, Sweaty Day

I came home and got ready for a meeting about the next Gaslight show. It'll be elaborate, it'll be more of an event than many other shows, and it'll be fun.

At work it wasn't as hot as it has previously been but it seems they shut off the air conditioning about noon so it was oppressively hot in the building and especially my shop where there is no air conditioning. I was pretty tired and beaten up by the time to clock out rolled around.

I was so looking forward to doing a lot of nothing Friday evening and as The Date had to work, it seemed to fall in line perfectly:) Except Abostang didn't get on Starcraft until a bit after nine:( So my five hours of marathon playing didn't evolve but I did get a bit over two hours in.

We did ok, not great but not bad either. Abostang is consistently the top player when it comes to building and units. He expands very fast and is capable of pumping out tons of units. I put up defenses for him to expand fast and keep his drones and my probes safe. This hinders my growth rate but keeps us safe in the early game.

I'm pretty happy with our playing right now and know that we are learning and have a lot more to do to be efficient at the game. We'll get there!

I got The Date something special from Pan's, the antipasti dish. Thing 2 and I dropped as much as she wanted of it off to her at work so she could have some supper and not be hungry at work:) I guess love is going out of your way to do something special or nice for those you love, or at least that's one of a million other definitions:)

Got something special for her planned today:)

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