Monday, August 09, 2010

Two Thousand

Today I've reached a massive milestone, two thousand posts!

To put that into perspective it'll take over five more years of daily posts to reach four thousand posts, that'll give you an idea on how long I've been blogging daily.

Sometimes it's hard to think of something to blog about, sometimes it's easy, but it's always an exercise in creativity. Some posts are good, some suck. Some people do a Times crossword puzzle, some blog:)

Over the past few weeks I've been thinking of something really profound to try and blog about but you know something? It's not a profound thing. I've got an increasing readership but not Drudge like by any means.

There is just nothing profound to say right now. It's a labor of love I suppose, some people agree with me and my well stated points of view, some people like me and hate my point of view, some people hate me and my point of view...but still read it:)

This is my morning routine, wake up, take care of pets, shower, blog, go to work.

Nothing out of the ordinary at all, although today I'd like to point out it is 8/9/10 and that date falls on my blog post milestone:) That'll never happen again.

Two thousand posts? Well five years is a long ways away, we'll have a different country by then. For the best or worst is clear in my opinion but again it might be too early to tell. We'll have five more Super Bowl champs, I'll be five years closer to my pension, leaving a mere seven years of working left in this job. The commercial business will be just over five years old by then and hopefully will have replaced my current income to the level where my initial plan to retire with pension will be shunned by the wayside.

Obama will either by into his second term or will join Jimmy Carter and the USSR on the ash heap of history along with his destructive agenda. America's best days are ahead, I firmly believe that.

Hopefully more friends will come into my life than leave it. I'm positive my family will be tighter than ever:) I'm positive my Gaslight family will change and alter over the next two thousand posts, and I'm positive I'll blog about it:)

So for you, gentle reader, I want to say thank you. Thank you for reading my ramblings, thank you for being my friends, thank you for being you:)

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