Friday, August 27, 2010

Still Excited!!!!!!

The absolute greatest TV show ever to hit the small screen is about to be unleashed upon America! Yes I briefly blogged about it last night, The Walking Dead, looks like a panel for panel, faithful reproduction of Robert Kirkmen's epic zombie series.

The story follows Rick Grimes, a small town police officer who is shot in the line of duty. He wakes in a hospital and there is no one around. Stunned he doesn't know what's happening as he stumbles around the halls only to come across the cafeteria doors which say Dead Inside Do Not Open.

That's how it starts. Over the course of 70+ issues the story unfolds. It's epic in scope and nature. Violence becomes a way of living, men are able to flip a switch and do some horrible things for the protection of their loved ones and flip it off again. Obviously the comic has many things in it that the TV series will not be able to have.

There are more graphic images coming off each page than you could believe. It'd done for a reason though. Kirkman wants you to feel the desperation, the sense that there is no hope anymore. No Calvary will be coming over the hill to rescue anyone and there is deadly danger all around.

That's why this series is in stark black and white. If it were in color it wouldn't have the effect on the reader that it does. In a world full of death, how do you stay human? That's the question that comes off of each page. No super heroes here, no super scientist working on a solution, nothing but survival.

The search for food, water, and shelter. Real people, real characters who look like me and you. Some of them are having a hard time coping with the world around them, some struggle with the idea they have to kill zombies in order to survive another day. Some struggle with the idea they have to kill normal people in order to survive.

So, in a world full of death that is hunting you, how do you maintain your humanity? Read this masterpiece of comic fiction, Hastings has them in the graphic novel section. Amazon has them all including the Compendium which I have. It comprises the first forty eight issues of the series.

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