Monday, August 23, 2010

Two Days

Yeah, I'm working today, tomorrow, and then I'm off Wednesday for a CT scan to check to see if I've got anymore kidney stones. It's been a yearly thing at this point but I know after this one the doctor said it'll be more like every two or three years. I don't have any, I drink about a gallon of water per day to guarantee I don't have anymore:)

I don't particularly care for them, I don't mind the needle so much, its the stuff I have to drink before hand, and then the stuff they inject you with that makes you feel weird and hot.

Anyway then I'm back to work on Thursday and Friday. I could likely work after the test but I have plenty of leave, they are very good about letting you take off when you want to so I'm using it:)

The Date starts school today, way to go baby! She'll finish up with NOC early in the spring and then it's off to bigger and better! The Things start school on Wednesday. Thing 2 is excited about it, I think Thing 1 enjoys school too but I'm not 100% sure of that.

Starcraft last night, we had a good night. We won four out of six in 3V3. Terrans just seem to be overpowered and have a definite speed advantage over the Protoss and Zerg. They seem to be able to build up to their super units faster than any other race and they seem to be able to build more of them too.

Regardless we are doing well and will likely advance soon to the silver league.

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