Friday, August 20, 2010

The Boycott Is Over

Today has been one year since my boycott of scotch due to the release of Abdel Basset al Megrahi from a Scottish prison.

He was released due to political deals and not on the compassionate grounds of having terminal cancer. He was the lone terrorist convicted for the bombing of Pan Am flight 103, killing two hundred forty three passengers, sixteen crew members, and eleven people in Lockerbie, Scotland.

I've not had a drop of scotch in a year's time in silent protest, and much to the displeasure of Beersnob who respected my decision and never tempted me. In fact he actually purchased Irish whisky for me on our cigar smoking afternoons.

Al Megrahi likely has many years left in him and it's possible that his cancer was likely a political evaluation rather than a medical one.

This evening my boycott ends, not because they win because they'll have to answer to a Divine Judge eventually, my boycott ends because life is too short and terrorism never triumphs.

-- Post From My iPhone

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