Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nice Rain!

Waking up to the sound of thunder is always welcome in the hot summertime. It signals a day at work that is generally cooler than the one previous. In winter it would be unexpected but it's possible to thunder during a snowstorm, however I don't believe the temperature would be that much of a factor at work so it's not as soothing as a summer storm.

The Date had a massive day, she went to class, came home for a brief few minutes so she could have a chicken fajita, then it was off to rehearsal. I was sound asleep by the time she arrived back home. My day was full as well but not as hectic. I did get a surprise call from the doctor to remind me to have blood work done for my CT scan tomorrow.

Eh, doesn't hurt anyway but it was just an inconvenience. I was hungry and still had to go grocery shopping as The Date was super busy as I mentioned. I got everyone fed, got to rest a bit and visit with The Date, then after she left it was Starcraft time.

We played 2V2 as our 3V3 partner started class today as well and was tired so he didn't join us.

We won our first match of the evening, a rarity and then proceeded to lose one, and win one, going two for four though overall. Not bad but we've done better. I argued it was a different game than 3V3 which we've played for the past couple of weeks exclusively.

I don't feel bad but we are better than 2-4 in a session. The Terrans can just do nearly everything they want, they build fast, they have cheap T1 units, those units are super powerful in large numbers and the counter is my T3 unit, the Colossus. An expensive unit but it mows down large sections of Terrans instantly.

It's alright though, as long as we survive the early rushes we have a great chance of winning at the end. Terrans wall of really fast, the counter to that is Abostang's Banalings but they take time to get going. I'll throw some Zealots behind the Banaling rush and we have a good shot at breaking them open and taking out their supply line.

We do that and that gives us a massive advantage. Tonight will be better though!

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