Friday, August 13, 2010


It's Friday! Well not that that means a lot this weekend, it means I'm just working in a couple of other places. I'll have a shoot in the morning at eight thirty, then in the evening I've got a show at the Theatre. A one off where one of the radio stations rented the place and they need a tech guy in the booth to turn things on when it starts and turn things off when it ends.

After that I'm probably finished for the evening. We'll see as there is a party to go to if I wanted to, I'm on the fence as I enjoy that annual party a ton but on the flip side after a show I really don't feel much like doing anything but going home and sleeping.

Last night was fairly uneventful. My Starcraft partner has been working overtime at work and hasn't been able to get on until nearly nine each evening and the night before he didn't get on at all. Last night though we were 1-2 after going 7-3 over the past ten games before that. We were really on a roll but after one night of not playing we didn't do as well as we previously were.

We are getting better though and I'm thrilled about that!

Finally got some sleep last night! The past few nights the new puppy that showed up a few weeks ago has been yapping nonstop in his crate. I bought a spray collar for him and it works well when he barks but his yapping is high pitched and doesn't set the collar off like his bark does.

That made things worse as he figured out if he yaps more he can make noise and not get sprayed...not conducive for sleeping. So I called the pet store and asked if they had a remote control collar I could get that I could activate when he yaps. They did for one hundred and thirty dollars. A small price to pay for sleeping well at night. However they had a ten dollar device that sends out a high pitched sound when the dog makes noise, I asked The Date to go get one of those instead.

It seemed to work, he would whine a little bit and start his yapping and the device would seemingly go off and he would shut up. After a few days I think he'll stop yapping so much:) I put the device in his crate with him so it would be close enough to irritate him, much like he has irritated me over the past week of no sleeping.

If it should fair to break him of this bad habit I'm getting the remote control collar and I might even get the shock collar version, we'll see.

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