Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Bad Starcraft Night

Yeah, we won two games actually but lost four. I didn't lag or disconnect though. We just weren't on at all.

Abostang did his best to early Ling rush while I developed my Void Rays. The other teams just built good counters and expanded. I walled us in to protect in the early game. That part worked well but it stalled my economy and kept me from expanding.

We'll do better tonight!

In other news I've put together a team to compete in the local bacon festival! Team Bacon has assembled! I'm going to make another big slab of homemade bacon and I believe that alone will give us the edge to win this competition, but the main reason we'll win is that I've read the recipes my teammates are thinking about!

The beverage is tricky but I think we've got something unique to bring to the table!

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