Wednesday, March 21, 2012

American Horror Story

Well after it setting on the DVR for months I got around to watching this show the past two nights. It was pretty good, like a long rated R ghost story. It was violent but not as bad as Sons of Anarchy believe it or not.

All in all it was a very well written show, the twists at the end really made it shine but it was solid all the way through. Not for everyone though, not at all.

It's Wednesday and by all accounts should be a pretty nice day out. Our inspection at work has gone well, I've had two over the shoulder inspections so far. They literally stand by you and watch you work. I passed without any problems or discrepancies. Pretty good for someone that's been there nearly twenty years!

I mean I should know how to do this stuff with my eyes closed, well I do. A lot of things I'm not very good at, the list is numerous but the things I do know how to do, I'm pretty darn good at!

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