Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Busy Day

Yesterday was pretty busy despite my coming home six and a half hours early to go to Urgent Care for a sinus infection. I'd had just one too many sinus headaches over the past two weeks and enough was enough. I took the bathroom door off of the hinges and sanded the bottom smooth to shut over the new threshold R installed, got the final adoption papers filed with the lawyer, took Thing 2 to the doctor and got her some medicine for a bronchial infection, checked on a car for her with the bank, and last but certainly most important had lunch with my honey!

That is a rare treat, especially now that we are both full timers but what a treat it was:) How often do you get to set down with your spouse and have lunch? You can talk about your morning, while mine wasn't all that whippy hers was pretty good and made mine feel better!

We ate at BWW, the first time in a long time. We had the lunch specials with boneless wings! A nice combo along with your wife's company:)

Wednesday is when I'll be alone at my shop for nearly two weeks as my coworker is going to two cooking contests. One in Las Vegas and one in Tucson. It'll be a busy couple of weeks but I'm fine with that. He's pretty good and has a good chance to make it into a bigger contest. These are winner advances to the next round contests. He's taught me a lot about smoking and we talk over recipes and cooking techniques quite often. I'm a better griller but he's a better smoker!

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