Friday, March 16, 2012

Opening Night

If you haven't gotten your tickets for Wrong Window tonight or for any of the showings then I urge you to do so! It's a fantastic show and simply hilarious! There are so many Hitchcock references it should be a drinking game!

I'm glad things worked out the way they did and I quit Walmart when I did. Doing tech for this show and my honey is a fun treat. She has made it through a week of tech rehearsals, her first week of work, and survived Daylight Saving Time, along with the help of a lot of coffee.

I'm thirteen and three on probably my best bracket. My other bracket though is fourteen and two. We'll see what today's games hold! I'm enjoying the heck out of the March Madness app! The streaming audio has been really good and smooth! It's pretty amazing, there's practically no buffering at all! Not to shabby for a free app!

So get to the show tonight and treat yourself, it's been a fun show and you'll enjoy the heck out of it!

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