Monday, March 19, 2012

Rainy Day

This morning I got up, showered, put a roast and veggies in the crock pot, let the dog out, fed the herd of pets, and I'm making coffee while I'm blogging! The Things are on spring break so I'm not taking Thing 2 too school this morning. I'll kind of miss it for a week, it's nice to get up at the same time and have bonding moments while we are getting coffee in the mornings.

The radar shows it's going to rain or sprinkle at least most of the day. Fine by me, we need it. We have no show or rehearsal tonight so we won't have much to do this evening but chill out and rest! It'll be nice!

We'll get home at roughly the same time, by then the roast will be done, and we'll just be able to enjoy each other's company for the evening! Something we've haven't had an abundance of the past three years, evening time when families are traditionally together after work.

Last week was pretty nice but we also had tech week to go to every evening along with a show on Friday and Saturday. This week we really don't have anything until Thursday to do! Talk about nice!

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