Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Tuesday's Here

Work was actually really good yesterday! It's a LOT easier going from work to home rather than from work to work. And before you tell me, "this is another whiny two job blog, I'm not reading!" I really don't know what this blog is about yet but even if it was it's my blog and I reserve the right to post anything:)

I came home after work and I have energy now. I did the dishes, made some pulled pork sandwiches for myself for supper, and watched a little TV. I watched a documentary on the Military channel about an Able Archer wargame that good place in 1983 that nearly brought us to nuclear war with the old Soviet Union. It was a simulated attack from Russia on us and our response.

Back then leaders didn't talk much at all, they allowed the spies to do the talking for them. The paranoid Soviets were positive that we were using this exercise to perform an actual attack on them. Their spies reported that there were no preparations and yet they had their fingers, literally, on the launch button. Three hundred missiles were poised and waiting for the code, submarines were in place, underground silos were opened, and the bombers were in the air.

The fallout of this wargame was that President Reagan decided that if we were going to have missiles aimed at a country then we should talk to them. Those talks eventually brought the USSR to its knees and it fell apart as we all know.

From the brink of nuclear annihilation to a country primed for freedom. Well with new President for life Putin in office who knows what will happen now but the people aren't happy he's there. Sometimes the KGB just won't go away.

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