Sunday, March 04, 2007

John Wayne Appreciation Night!!!!

It has occurred to me that our circle of friends of the guy gender don't have much in the way of male bonding gatherings so I have decided to change that this coming Friday!

So last weekend Beersnob and I were talking at Chianti's house about watching John Wayne movies and he said that just mix up some carrot cake shots and invite him over and it'll be a party.
Well I have decided to combine both ideas and came up with John Wayne Appreciation Night!

A night of manly brotherhood with grilled meat, drinks from the Drinkbusters Kitchen, possibly cigars, and of course John Wayne!

What better way to celebrate male bonding than a night like that with a few guys that you have hung out with a lot anyway?

I've had a enthusiastic response so far and that makes me happy!!!!
There will be at least a couple of members of the Battlestar project there which will make Beersnob happy and provide more chemistry between cast and crew!

This is going to be an exciting event!

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