Thursday, March 01, 2007

Tonight Is Cinderella Night

Well Cinderella Man anyway.

Anyone who knows me knows I have a love for boxing. I've blogged about it, talked about it, wanted to be one. Boxing is one of those unique sports where you really don't have any excuses.

You versus one other man, in the ring together and no one else is there to help you. Yeah you have your corner there to tend to you between rounds but they aren't taking the punches. Anyway that was a long time ago and I'm simply not as tough as I used to be but it was a dream once!

Anyway this isn't about that, its about a movie I've heard incredible things about but just have been putting off seeing for some reason. I don't know why but I have. This is a marvelous movie!

Say what you want to about Russell Crowe as a person but he is a great actor. He is so convincing as a beaten man. One of those who is kicked around by the great depression but has a chance at greatness.

The incredible Paul Giamati plays Jim Braddock's trainer in a very convincing role.

This is a great movie, a great story, and a great viewing experience!

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