Friday, July 30, 2010


After thirteen plus hours of downloading, Thing 1 installed the game for me while I was at work. I went to the grocery store after work, got some deli stuff. Went by The Date's work and she made a sandwich.

Then I was able to get home, get changed, and get fed. Then finally, after long last, right at the twenty four hour mark of purchase the day before...I started Starcraft 2!

I looked over the interface really well and went right to multi player. That's where this game shines for me, the human element, complex chess with cooler pieces. I have a lot of rust to shake off! In the original game I had a stretch of nearly thirty games without a loss. After a while typical burnout set in and I didn't play much after that.

Last night I found I was basically a newbie once again. I was walloped by the time I started to remember what I was doing in the first game. After I remembered what I was doing with the Zerg I had Terran battlecruisers knocking on the front door! I was out of the game in no time after that.

He had teched up so fast I couldn't keep up. So then it was time for the next match. I played random as I feel it gives a slight advantage to the player, the opponent doesn't know what strategy to work with. Of course it is nullified if they go random too so it is easy to counter.

Next match I was Terran and the random opponent was Zerg. I built Marines quickly and then went Marauders. This was to fend of the early Zerg rush but it didn't come. I wasn't able to tech up very high as it took me a while to figure out which buildings were needed for which units. I expected to lose but just wanted some experience in the new game. It wasn't long before I was under attack and out of the game again.

Two practice games down, forty eight to go!

The third game was with a coworker! He Zerg rushed me quickly and crippled my economy and soon finished off my base. Then we did a 2V2 cooperative match. I wound up Protoss for the first time and he played Zerg. He loves Zerg. He concentrated on the speed rushing, I started making Zealots, and then went with heavier support in the Immortals.

We destroyed the other team in no time! He's been playing for a couple more days and has around thirty games under his belt. He is getting really good at the Zerg rush and scouting. We figure that he can do that and I'll concentrate on the mid to late game units. We could be a formidable team!

We'll be doing the placement matches next week so we can get into league play!

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