Friday, July 23, 2010

Getting Better

In the words of the Last American Blue Jeans Band, Tesla, I'm getting better. I feel ninety five percent this morning! I slept most of yesterday mid-morning and afternoon away and did the show from seven until eleven.

If I had an infection of some kind throwing off my balance and causing the dizziness it appears to be disappearing. If it was something else, well it appears to be leaving me alone now.

I'm all for getting back to work today, finishing up a handful of jobs I had going yesterday, and doing the second of eight shows tonight. Yeah, eight shows.

Opening night was last night and we had between seventy five and eighty people. I understand that a few of the shows are sold out already.

A few mentions to the best performances of the show thus far, Theatre King does a great Bullmoose, naturally Skate is a human cartoon on stage as Earthquake McGoon, Hollywood Actor does a fine Available Jones. Fifth Cousin In Law (I'm only guessing at what his title actually is but we are related by marriage) does a pretty good Abner, and Bondie does a fine Daisy Mae.

The wives of the guinea pigs have their moment in the sun when they berate the laboratory officials in song.

I'm as ready as I can get for the remaining shows.

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