Monday, July 19, 2010


We have rehearsal tonight, one more evening in Dogpatch.

Other than that I think it'll be a slowish day. I finished all but the last three page chapter of Day by Day Armageddon: Beyond Exile yesterday. Amazing book of course and highly recommended for any zombie fan out there.

J.L. Bourne's writing style is just that compelling, he takes you along with the protagonist every step of the way in his journal. There's no unnecessary parts in his efficient writing. It's top notch and the story is great. If I had a gripe I'd like to see a five hundred page book instead of three hundred:)

He paints a picture of how bleak the situation really is and how difficult it would be to survive in such circumstances. How hard it would be to scavenge food, water, and supplies while avoiding the roaming dead.

I'll take On Basilisk Station to work with me and get started on it. I'm about thirty pages in already but a good start is a hundred on a book this size. It's not Les Miserables but it's close to five hundred anyway. I'm looking forward to it.

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