Monday, July 12, 2010

One More Bullet

Just when you believe the Obama Administration has finished shooting itself in the foot it finds one more bullet.

When you have the Governors of your own party (an elected office that has way more administrative experience than the former Senator from Illinois had when he was elected) telling you they are concerned about suing a sovereign state, well then you have problems!

First you have a law that says it's illegal to be in Arizona if you aren't a legal citizen. Newsflash, it's illegal to be in any state if you aren't a legal citizen or tourist with visa papers. That's why it's called illegal immigration, inherently meaning against the law.

Second the citizens support the law by two thirds! It's a popular law! People want it!

Third you have having the federal government failing to fix the border problem, the same problem previous administrations have punted to the future.

Fourth No conservative is against immigration, the INS needs reform. The process needs to be streamlined for immigrants to become citizens. While I do understand that liberals want illegals to be here now, in legal standing, with voting rights I believe the majority of Americans disagree with that.

Fifth, this is part of Obama's design. I'm starting to think he is intentionally destroying the economy to further his one term agenda. I have no doubt we'll see a voter revolt in November and then one of the most ambitious sessions in Congress to pass everything that isn't being passed now. Cap and Trade, Card Check, and anything else the future former Speaker of the House can find to vote on.

It's a lame duck session meaning that the people who will be voted out of office still will be able to pass legislation until January when the new members are sworn in. They can pass anything without repercussions from the voters as they likely have already been fired.

Yes it'll happen and since Obama has long sealed his place in history in only two years as the worst President (far and away worse than Carter) he won't care. If he gets everything done in two years, the destruction of America, he can rest. He'll have done a tremendous amount of damage and that damage will go on for two more years if the GOP doesn't have a veto proof majority.

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