Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Good Saturday

With The Date on a girl's weekend at the lake I decided I was going to take my Mom and the Things to the city for lunch.

We chose Olive Garden and had a great lunch. Then we headed over to Barnes and Noble and hung out for a while. We had a great time:) I picked up a book by David Weber called On Basilisk Station. It's a genre I've long been interested in, space military scifi, but haven't actually picked up a book yet.

Perfect opportunity, it was there, I was there. After I finish up Day by Day Armageddon: Beyond Exile I'll get started on the space adventure!

I'm looking forward to it as it's been on my list of things to do forever. I can't remember the last actual scifi series I've read that was set in space. Usually I gravitate towards fantasy scifi which always seems to be set in medieval times. Time to switch gears:)

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