Saturday, June 04, 2011


Last night's cabaret was amazing. I'm very proud of The Date! She did a great job but she wasn't the only one. Yeah I'm biased because The Date, Court, Red, and a few other friends including Teehee were the performers. It really was an amazing evening! Everyone had strong performances and Teehee was so good he drew a standing ovation for his efforts!

Yes he is that good!

This morning was filled with a shoot with the Divas at 6:30. Beersnob and I edited separate cuts of the shoot so our skills will mesh well! It's working, he did a great job and cut it very close to the way I did. He's a great partner to have!

For now it's going to be a quiet day, I'm making a sesame chicken stir fry and I really love the art of stir fry cooking. It's very difficult to really screw it up.

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