Sunday, June 05, 2011

Weekend Accomplished

After the fairly hectic schedule my family has had the past two weeks it's nice to be able to not do much this weekend. As I said yesterday I had a shooting job in the morning along with Beersnob but that was finished by eight. The Date went to work at nine and got off work at three which was nice to have her home for the evening.

We had been invited to the movies by Court but honestly neither of us wanted to get out much, The Date did head over to T's house after and hung out with the movie going crowd though while I literally vegged out on the couch.

All things considered I plan on doing much the same today. I've got a decent week of work ahead but there are a couple of things that could happen to make it a week to remember. If Beersnob and I land a potential idea then it'll be the week our small company really gets it's foot in the door.

Tomorrow I plan on blogging about the food stamp epidemic and what I feel local people can do about changing it and helping people become self sufficient. It's not easy to get off of government aid once you get on it and some people need to be on it. Some people just take advantage of the system and game it as much as possible though.

I feel it is one of my most important blogs in the near future though, well outside of the one when I get to announce I'm a real father after adopting Things 1 and 2. So tell your friends about tomorrow's blog, repost the link of facebook, and please think about what this idea represents to your community.

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