Thursday, June 02, 2011

Trouble Ahead

From this article, "Interest rates are amazingly low and that, thanks to Ben Bernanke, is driving everything," Yastrow said. "We’re on the verge of a great, great depression. The [Federal Reserve] knows it."

How's THAT for an eyeopener? How about this one, it shows a very bleak picture of our economy. Regardless if this is the new Obama economy or not it really doesn't matter right now. What matters is that you are capable of supporting yourselves when meat is fifteen dollars a pound and scarce at the grocery store or bread is nine dollars a loaf.

When you can't buy food because your dollar is so devalued that it'll take a twice as many to buy what it buys now. It's imminent. Look that word up. A financial collapse is coming our way. Our retirements are likely going to be wiped out, our dollars worth less than the paper they are printed on, everything will be turned upside down.

Now is the time to prepare yourselves and family. Learn to grow your own food. Learn to be more self sufficient. Learn to raise chickens if you have to or some kind of meat that you want to eat and can butcher. Learn to butcher for that matter. We've gotten two very good books to help prepare ourselves, one is on homesteading and the other I went into detail about in another blog and it's called Square Foot Gardening.

I can't put a timeline on when the collapse is going to happen but the stage is set and I fear that our government won't be able to stop it. Might not even be able to lessen it's impact. Gas will get higher, food will get higher, and your dollar will not go nearly as far.

If we are headed for the olden days of soup lines and twenty percent unemployment then you can help yourself out and learn the skills people used when there were no stores around. When money was essentially unheard of because it was so scarce. Get that pioneering spirit and start to become self reliant.

Who's going to suffer? Yesterday on my way to work I saw a line outside our local grocery store before they were open. Yep, first of the month means new food stamps and they were there already. I'm all for the food stamp program for those who are on hard times and really need it badly but I'm all for food stamps being temporary too and NOT a way of life.

These people will starve if the economy collapses, they have become enslaved to the state. They have no skills at all to support themselves if the money isn't there anymore. They will turn to whatever means it takes to feed themselves and that is likely crime.

This won't be my family and I hope it won't be my friends.

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