Sunday, June 19, 2011

First Real Father's Day

Although the adoption isn't final yet and there's still another step to go through the ex's parental rights were terminated and he is no longer relevant to any discussion about the girls. They are essentially mine already.

I wish I had met Thing 1 when she was younger but there's always a reason and a plan for things to happen the way they did so I trust and take what comes. I'm sure once she is out on her own and matures through the hard knocks of life then she and I will have a much better relationship. And then we'll become closer and have the father/daughter relationship we need.

Thing 2 is my girl though, probably from the first time she met me. Once The Date and I were married, maybe even before, Thing 2 used my last name on everything. She occasionally calls me dad, I think it's awkward for her to do that. It's ok though, she's never really had a father figure in her life until me. She just doesn't know what that's supposed to be like. She loves me though and I love her.

We finished our gardens yesterday, planted some beans, sweet potatoes, and another okra plant. I picked up some seeds for next year and we're looking forward to having a good growing season!

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