Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A Bit Of Providence

Yesterday Chris sends me this quote in an email and only this quote, Charles Dubois: The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.

I asked him if he had read my blog for the day and he told me he hadn't and asked "why?", then I told him to go read yesterday's post. He couldn't at the moment since he was on the land line and the PC was in the office room but he would. He just said when he saw the quote he felt like it was important to send it to me.

I believe that you will also find it quite amazing.

I told him it made me feel pretty good about things and since he wasn't feeling well I told him to get better and drink lots of water. So for anyone out there reading this, send Chris some good vibes so he gets better!!!!

It is amazing that sometimes when you least expect it that the hand of providence can just stop by your house and visit for a few seconds. I was unprepared for that but I think I'll look forward to the next visit.

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