Monday, August 21, 2006

One Of The Best Lines Of Any Song Ever!!!!

Anyone who knows me knows that I enjoy old country music. It is something I grew up with since my dad was a truck driver when I was a kid and that is what we listened to.

I have a love for 80's metal as well since that was what I came of age that music is on classic rock radio but that is another blog for another time.

Anyway, John Conlee is one of my favorites. He tells stories of love, heartbreak, common maness, being broke, well basically everything a country song should be about. His voice is unique and warm, absent of any twang like Dwight Yoakam's abundance of twang.

One of John Conlee's most endearing songs is called Miss Emily's Picture in which he tells the story of a lost love. We are unsure what happened to Miss Emily of the story however we do know that she isn't around anymore and the protagonist still loves her. In this masterpiece of hurt and love John Conlee owns this material.

He pines for his lost love as he sleeps in the same bed they both shared even leaving her pillow intact as it was when she was present. A picture adorns the nightstand which is dutifully straightened every morning. At work he is a zombie, going through the motions without much feeling or purpose. He probably only goes to work to have someone to talk with. He sees nothing but pain in the world around him but gets a simple short lived dose of relief by again straightening a picture of Miss Emily that hangs on his office wall.

He pours bourbon into his morning coffee to dull the ache of loss and spends his evenings with his coworkers at a local bar while he shares Miss Emily's picture which he carries with him.

Of this wonderful song of heartbreak one lines stands among all others:

"I wake up in the morning in a state of fright
On the wrong side of the bed all night
Clinging to the broken heart inside my head."

Haven't we all experienced a broken heart that was in our head?
In one line John Conlee captures something we can all relate to on a universal level.
whether it is a tragic loss of a loved one, unrequited love, or even love that you are responsible for turning away.

A broken heart is something that if you haven't experienced then I guess I feel good and bad for you. Who hasn't been busted up inside and gone to bed early and dreaded getting up because you knew you were going to hurt all day? I'm sure that those who haven't felt a broken heart though are rare and probably so cold that they are barely human.

Listen to it if you ever get the chance or ask me sometime to play it for you, I'd be more than happy to!

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