Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Drinkbusters Is A Success!!!!

So far everyone who has seen Drinkbusters and contacted me about the show has enjoyed it!!!!

It is a fun show and I have gotten some great ideas on improving the show which is always good to receive!

I'm working on the second episode now and getting it ready to take it live very soon. Weezy has gotten her September schedule so we are now working on a filming date for the third episode. I believe that if we hang out ahead of time and relax amongst ourselves the show will be better and more relaxed which should equal funny!!!!

I'm looking forward to getting the second episode online and getting the feedback for it!

Saturday will be busy. We will be having a practice shoot for The Passing Drummers to bond the cast and crew. Basically to get the cast members who are not used to the film process used to me and the other two cameras.

It will be interesting to see how the bonding goes since it is the largest cast we have worked with. It is a good thing that most everyone is familiar with each other and get along well. That is always a good thing and a great place to start!!!!

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