Saturday, August 05, 2006

A Good Friday Night

Actually it was a good Friday all the way around!

I took off of work at noon which is always good.
Got the shirts ordered for my project.
Got my tag updated for another year.
Got a haircut, probably one of the best haircuts I've had in years! She was amazing and had a great touch, it was kind of turning me on!
Sent the twin to my PC monitor sent off for warranty work so I can have my dual monitors again.
Had afterwork drinks with my co-workers on a payday Friday.
Went to a film meeting to discuss everyone's projects.
Went to a birthday party/game night at some friend's house with two other good friends until about 11ish and had a good time.

All in all a very busy and good day!
I wish I had more days like yesterday!

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