Wednesday, May 16, 2007

20 Years....

This July it will be twenty years since Guns N Roses Appetite For Destruction was released. Can you believe that?

One of the most influential albums of all time. It took 80's metal and gave it a razor sharp edge and steered it away from the glam band sound. Twenty years later and Welcome to the Jungle is still well played, you can hear it during football games, and clips here and there.

It is amazing too, every song on that album was solid, you can listen to it all day and not get bored with it. There are a few albums for me that I can do that with but Appetite is one of the top five, easy.

Metallica Master of Puppets. Astounding album that really started to separate Metallica from the thrash metal bands and put them into their own category that Megadeth seemed haunted by even though they achieved some level of fame on their own, never at Metallica's level.

Guns was too good to last though, after Lies, and Use Your Illusion I and II they pretty much self destructed as the band lineup underwent and is still undergoing numerous additions and subtractions. They will never be the same and they will never recapture that lightning in a bottle, the magic they once had that made them the top band in the world at the time.

Twenty years I'm feeling really old right now.

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