Sunday, May 06, 2007

Up Already

I went to bed last night just after midnight and here I am, up at 5ish. I know it is about ready to storm here, I just looked at the radar and a big line of severe thunderstorms are moving through here in about a half hour.

A small town in Kansas got wiped off the map yesterday from a line of storms like this. What a horrible tragedy. I live in Tornado Alley which has lots of tornadoes per year so it is always something you look out for and prepare for but it is devastating in just less than two minutes to lose everything you have. Your house can't even burn as fast as a tornado can destroy it, think about that.

I don't know, I just can't sleep right now. It is rough, I want more sleep. Five hours just isn't enough. So do I fix some coffee and just go with it or try to go back to bed? Oh to sleep or not to sleep, that is the question!

Eh, I went to a Cinco De Mayo party last night and most of the people there are Shakespeare and Gaslight people so there were a few Shakespeare discussions going on. There were lots of good conversations to join in on. It was a very fun time and I'm happy I went.

Well I feel pretty awake now so I guess I'm up, might as well go fix some coffee.

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